If you are not born with a disease, you don’t have to live with the disease.
Give your body what it needs, and remove what is poisoning it, and this most intelligent self-correcting machine will bounce back to resilience and vitality.
Functional Nutritionist FxNA (USA)Say Goodbye to Medicines
Gut health & cleanse program (Duration 3 months)
Transforms your health using the Power of Natural Foods, Nutrition, and Lifestyle. The relationship between gastrointestinal dysfunction and chronic disease is multifaceted, compelling, and complex. When the normal integrity of the GI tract is compromised, it can result in distant systematic dysfunctions seemingly unrelated to Gut health.
Root Cause Detection
Even though symptoms may be similar, root causes are unique for every individual. The program offers highly personalised treatment strategies especially crafted for you
Meticulously designed
Optimises your health and well-being in a phased manner through dietary changes, nutritional & microbiome optimisation, and lifestyle interventions.
A whole systems approach
Apart from treating local gastrointestinal diseases, the program helps manage many systemic diseases linked to GI dysfunction.
Best Supplements
Though we believe in a food-first approach, at times supplements are needed. We recommend established international brands only – free from toxins and side effects
Functional Nutrition Science
Root cause analysis & resolution, a highly individualised approach, Based upon the latest knowledge about cellular & molecular biology, microbiome mapping, and nutraceuticals
Who this program is for?
- Digestive issues
- Leaky gut aka compromised intestinal permeability
- Skin conditions
- Metabolic dysfunctions
- Autoimmune conditions
- Hyper & Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- Hormonal issues
How does the program work?
Elimination/ Replacement
of foods causing inflammation & allergies, Replacing with easy, healthy, anti-inflammatory food choices
Repairing, Healing & Restoring
Leaky gut & rebuilding the protective mucosal lining, calms down the inflamed immune system
Support & Improve
Digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and enhanced overall metabolism
H. Pylori cleanse
Root causes analysis of low stomach acid, H. Pylori cleanse
Fungi infections cleanse
Candida is often a root cause of hives, eczema, psoriasis, and repeated urinary infection
Parasitic cleanse
infestation often causes bloody Diarrhoea, anal itching, mood, and sleep disorders, and anemia.
Robust symbiotic microbiome
Create a vast, diverse, and robust symbiotic microbiome through targeted pre & probiotics - unique to your body
chelation of heavy metals, supports detoxification Pathways
Targeted nutrition
Supporting “cells and mitochondria” with targeted nutrients for improved metabolism and optimal energy production
Lifestyle changes
sleep hygiene, sunlight exposure, heat & cold challenges, exercise regime
Are you ready to make a change? Book your pre-consultation session now!
- Ultra personalized 3 months gut health plan
- Easy, sustainable dietary choices based on your habits & traditions
- Resources lists and Recipes
- Detailed root cause analysis
- Regular macro & micro nutrients analysis
- Supplements recommendations
- Video consultation every 15 days
- 8 stress & anxiety busting personalised online video sessions (chargeable & optional)
- Dedicated WhatsApp support