Gut Health & Cleanse Program

It is not about learning to live with a disease. it is about creating a lifelong condition of health. This program can resolve your symptoms, get you off your medications, restore you to vitality, and free you to lead a fulfilling life.
A few common symptoms of poor gut health which indicates you need a gut restoration:

Belching & flatulence

Acid reflux/GERD

Joint pain

Chronic Fatigue

Brain Fog


Respiratory issues like Asthma, Sinus & Bronchitis

Headaches/ Migraines

Skin diseases like Eczema/Psoriasis/ Rosacea

Weight gain

Thyroid dysfunction 

Autoimmune diseases

It is often said that all disease begin in the gut

A healthy gut is the gateway and the foundation to good health. Since, 80 percent of your immune system is also in your gut. if your gut isn’t healthy, your immune system won’t be either.

Our intestines by design are semi-permeable to absorb water and nutrients from our food into our bloodstream. Some people develop increased intestinal permeability due to poor unhealthy diet, medications, toxins, infections, and too much stress. This increased permeability let toxins enter your bloodstream triggering chronic low-grade inflammation. That may lead to various autoimmune conditions like obesity, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and fibromyalgia.

Some common gut health problems are acid reflux/GERD, belching, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, yeast & parasite overgrowth, dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and food allergies/ intolerances. Even hair falls and skin issues, acne, psoriasis, eczema, respiratory issues like breathlessness, asthma, bronchitis, nasal congestion, sinusitis, all have either connection or roots in the gut. Gut health is also crucial to maintain brain health, joint support & immune function.


The good news is when you join this program, we develop a personalized protocol keeping in mind your bio individuality and needs specific & unique to you. This helps you ‘re-boot and re-set your entire body’ – all through absolute natural means of alternative medicine & functional nutrition. You’ll be well on your way to preventing and reversing autoimmune conditions, and most of your other health problems - leaky gut, chronic acidity, bloating and constipation, diarrhoea, yeast & parasite overgrowth, skin issues, hair fall, malnutrition, Hashimoto thyroiditis and various autoimmune conditions will simply go away.

You begin to heal & seal your gut, tamp down inflammation, reduce immune dysfunction, and radically improve your health, both in your immediate future and over your entire lifespan. After implementing the strategies outlined in this program, not only will you greatly reduce your risk of disease, you’ll also experience improved energy, restored digestion, glowing, healthy-looking skin, clear sinuses and fewer allergic symptoms, pain-free joints, mental clarity and focus, improved body image and confidence, optimized metabolism and healthy weight loss.

On this program, you’ll learn how modern food supply, environment toxins excessive stress, over sanitation and medication, all increase the toxic load in your body, leaving it overwhelmed and defenceless against true threats including antibiotic resistant microbes, deadly viruses, allergens and our own pre-existing genetic risks. You learn how simple pleasurable changes in your lives can address & reverse each of these critical missteps. The five step plan helps you recognize which food to avoid, what nutritional supplements best nmet your needs, remove toxins in your gut, replenish & fortify the beneficial balance of your microbiota, restore your healthy gut lining so your entire body can thrive

In a nut shell, ‘heal your gut and you heal yourself.’


Gut Health & Cleanse Program’ follows a 5-pronged approach to reverse gut issues – Healing, Minimizing, Maximizing, Prioritizing and Rebalancing.

Phase 1

Healing the Gut

In this stage, we start by eliminating food sensitivities & allergens, the root causes of leaky gut, indigestion and inflammations. Through the mix of an eating plan & the use of excellent herbs & probiotics, we start the process of healing, repair and regeneration of the stomach and gut lining.

Phase 2

Minimize the inflammatory/bad stuff

In this stage, we focus on identifying & replacing food items that indirectly contribute and aggravate digestive issues. Removing these items helps in reducing bad bacteria & parasites, infections and inflammation in the gut and prepare an ideal gut environment.

Phase 3

Maximize the nutrients

we work on adding essential nutrients, vitamins & minerals for lowering oxidative stress load & inflammation, and for optimizing digestion and repairing the gut lining for better nutrient absorption. The focus will be on building the gut lining, to make it strong, using gut-supportive nutrients and supplements.

Phase 4

Prioritize the healthy lifestyle

In this stage, we encourage you to adapt exercising & sleep hygiene. Also introduce food items as prebiotics and add probiotics supplementation. The focus will be prioritizing healthy lifestyle choices and healthy eating habits to ensure a good diversity of food for developing a rich microbiome.

Phase 5

Rebalancing Macronutrients

We host over 100 different species of bacteria, both good and bad, virus and fungi. Since 80% of our immune system resides in the gut. A healthy mix of the gut flora helps in maintaining the immune system and aids in production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
we also help you achieve metabolic flexibility by rebalancing macronutrient like carbs, fats and proteins. This helps in avoiding sugar spikes & subsequent sudden dips in energy levels, reducing insulin resistence/sensitivity and help body automatically shed extra weight.


Program includes:

  • An intense 3-months personalised nutrition-based program with one-on-one support. Includes 8 to 10 personal video sessions (30 mins) with regular WhatsApp support.
  • Food plan and lifestyle changes will be recommended to you during the program. Healthy wholesome alternatives & supplements will be suggested and best possible sources to procure those will also be shared.
  • This is an enriching learning program that empowers you with lifetime knowledge to restore and maintain overall health. It imparts lifetime learning that benefit you and your entire family & loved ones.

Who should sign up for the Gut Health & Cleanse program?

  • If you are suffering from gut health issues, triggered by food sensitivities or allergies and food choices.
  • If you are fatigued and feel drained of energy by the evening, have migraine, unspecific body aches, experiencing brain fog, lack of concentration and find it difficult to focus.
  • If you are suffering from hormonal imbalances, PCOS/PCOD, Thyroid and cannot seem to lose weight.
  • If you have acid reflux/GERD, belching, flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps and digestive issues.
  • If you have skin issues & hair falls.
  • If you have a bad relationship with food or want to improve your food psychology.
  • If you want to learn more about food & nutrition and improve your overall health and achieve an optimal weight.

Are you ready to make a change? Book your pre-consultation session now!

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