Functional nutrition & Alternative medicine
Functional Nutrition is an approach where the human body is seen as one interconnected system (and not dissected into different body parts and organs), In your body, everything is connected and talks to each other all the time. For instance, the nervous system in your gut keeps talking to your brain. What happens in the gut affects your brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and even reproductive organs.
Many Hormones secreted by tiny glands from different locations in the body control the functioning of the whole body. For example, just to make a tiny thyroid hormone work, so many body parts have to function in coordination - the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, liver, kidney, and intestinal lining. Enough evidence to understand that the body parts cannot be seen as separate and what is needed is a whole-body approach.
Why Modern medicine fails to address chronic diseases
Modern medicine is life-saving in acute conditions and does wonders in infections and surgeries for physical traumas but it has been very disappointing in treating chronic conditions. Separation is what defines modern medicine. One patient is made to see multiple Drs and has as many prescriptions, one from a neurologist, one from a psychiatrist, one from a cardiologist, and one from a dermatologist. It takes a few years for both to understand that prescription drugs are no magic bullets.
The whole emphasis of modern medicine is to relieve symptoms and provide short-term relief rather than finding out the root causes and correcting the imbalances, deficiencies, or toxin load.
Unique person, Unique Biology – client-centric approach
when a branch of a tree is decaying, you don't try to treat just that part, you try to assess the health of the whole tree. You try to find out the root causes by looking at the stem, the stalk, the branches, the trunk, the soil, the roots, the water, the fertilizer, and the parasite or fungi. You try to find out the root cause of why the leaves are decaying. You just do not treat one branch? You treat the whole plant and its environment)
Treating the whole person is the key
We seek to address the root causes of the disease rather than only managing symptoms. We consider all aspects of health, the individual's unique biology, unique set of illnesses, unique dietary & lifestyle habits, and the unique mental and social living environment because no individual can be separated from their environment.
Treating the whole person is the key So even for a leaf decay in a plant, You look at multiple possibilities (the root causes) that may be causing the decay. And here we are dealing with human beings who have a lot more complex biology and emotional sensitivity.
Our approach for every individual is based on the person we are dealing with, based on the individual’s health history, childhood exposures, dietary and lifestyle choices, digestive function and overall gut health, nutritional status, stress levels, living environment, exposure to toxins and mold, duration and quality of sleep, sitting hours & exercise regime. You just cannot isolate people from their surroundings and a person’s health and emotional state depend upon all of the above factors.
So there can be different root causes manifesting as different symptoms in different individuals. That’s why a person specific gut health program is needed and this is the reason, we spend so much time with each client. Once root causes are detected, they are corrected and clients not only get well but stay well for the rest of their lives.