Stress & Trauma Relief


Having served decades in health care, seeing its limitations, the futility of cookie cutter, pill for the ill culture of providing symptomatic relief, his love and interest was ever growing in root cause corrections. He understood that since mind & body are intrinsically interconnected and intertwined, we need to work on both simultaneously.

Today, Mr. Ashok uses both, the principles of functional nutrition and alternate medicine for physical imbalances like gut issues, obesity (weight loss), metabolic dysfunctions like diabetes, high cholesterol and insulin resistance.And on the other hand, He uses tools like Clinical Hypnotherapy, Breathing Techniques, Meditation, Guided Visualisation, to resolves issues like Anxiety, Depression, Fears, Phobias, Sleep difficulties, Pains that refuse to go away, and Addictions like smoking, alcoholism, eating disorders like emotional eating, stress eating, bulimia, anorexia and obesity etc.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy or guided hypnosis, is a form of psychotherapy that changes how your mind thinks and behave. It uses relaxation, and extreme concentration to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or mindfulness also called a “trance” or altered state of awareness.

Hypnosis helps resolve emotional traumas arising out of childhood neglect and abuse, negative thinking patterns, lack of confidence & self-love, obsessive mental chattering etcHypnosis also alleviates a variety of issues, such as psychological distress, phobias, unhealthy, destructive, or dangerous habits (i.e., smoking and/or drinking).

During hypnosis session, a lot of information is retrieved from the subconscious that helps solve many unresolved issues. Hypnosis effectively remove negative, self-sabotaging programming of the subconscious mind and replaces with positive, motivating, self-boosting, dynamic ideas leading to greater self-esteem, self-love and confidence.


Guided Visualization

Visualisation techniques are proven principles of psychology and neuroplasticity that help you achieve life goals and materialising your dreams. Visualising your dreams sends out a clear signal to the universe of your intentions and magnetically draws the desired effect towards you. Visualisation makes you feel your objectives more clearly, in minutest details and in vivid colours. You gain clarity of your objectives, of the doubts and hurdles, activating the creative potential of your subconscious. This is how dreams transforms into material things.

Breathing Techniques

The controlled & measured breathing help calm down the mind by relaxing sympathetic nervous system and vagal nerve tone. Conscious breathing open up a greater sense of peace & wellbeing, alters subconscious downloaded programs, patterns, reactions & emotional blockages.Replacing them with happiness, joy, gratitude and abundance. Witnessing breath passively take you to a deeper level of consciousness, eliminating all noises & chatters in the head, endowing you with equanimity and a sense of total control over your mind & emotions.

Dynamic breathing techniques help build up oxygen and carbon dioxide levels that alternating leads to robust physical health, a resilient mind, improved brain neuro circuitry and neuro plasticity. Mindfullness The easiest and the most effective of all forms of meditation. Doing nothing, simply watching the incoming & out going breath grounds you in the present moment, in here and now. Witnessing very effectively breaks identification with body and mind. You are clearly able to see how those bothering, troubling thoughts originates and how they subside inside the mind, just like waves rising and dying in an ocean. They are powerless and meaning less. This acknowledgement empowers you immensely and provides you the capacity to control and manage your mind’s chattering. Observing bodily sensations and thoughts without reacting Witnessing your breath for regular and longer periods, ultimately makes your mind laser sharp and very subtle. This endows you with the ability to experience and witness with indifference, your thoughts and their resultant effect on bodily sensations which otherwise is often experienced as bodily pains, emotional traumas or emotional outbursts leaving one devastated and miserable. Witnessing your thoughts and sensations without reacting ultimately breaks the identification of the self with non-self i.e., the body and the mind. Once this identification is gone, equanimity sets in which further leads to the understanding of the impermanence and transitory nature of material world. You realise that even your miseries too are transitory and liable to change. This reckoning brings an end to your sufferings and establish you in ever peaceful and blissful nature of the self.

Are you ready to make a change? Book your pre-consultation session now!

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