What we do In Our Programs?
We help you harness your body’s natural healing abilities by using food as medicine. Our goal is to restore your body to a state of holistic wellness and help you stay there.Belching & flatulence
Acid reflux/GERD
Joint pain
Chronic Fatigue
Brain Fog
Respiratory issues like Asthma, Sinus & Bronchitis
Headaches/ Migraines
Skin diseases like Eczema/Psoriasis/ Rosacea
Weight gain
Thyroid dysfunction
Autoimmune diseases
It is often said that all disease begin in the gut
No disease just appears out of the middle of nowhere, ever, it just doesn't. The body keeps giving cues and clues of disease. It's not sufficient to give a label and treat just the symptoms. The need is to look at the root causes that led to the disease condition.
What is happening at the functional level in the body that's causing symptoms? Are the root causes hidden in the food allergies and lifestyle, or is it the toxin load? Is it dysbiosis in the microbiome or parasitic infestation? Is it a leaky gut, causing an antibody reaction, or a low-grade simmering inflammation? Is it nutritional deficiencies or simple burnout causing cortisol response? Or is it insulin resistance/estrogen dominance putting hormonal balance out of Whack?Once the root causes are known, we can respond, course correct to give the body different choices - dietary, lifestyle, nutritional, and emotional support. Then the body in its astounding wisdom, flexibility, and adaptability will shift its reaction, automatically restoring the normal functioning of all its systems and return to a state of wellness.

How the gut health and cleanse program works
90% of the disease starts in the Gut. What happens in the gut affects the whole body. The gut is where food interacts with our biology. Food is not just calories. It carries information that changes, and shifts the body's biochemistry, hormones, microbiome, and even gene expression. The gut is the seat of the immune system, our second brain - the gut microbiome, runs metabolism, makes vitamins, and nutrients, and communicates with every cell in the body.
What Do We Do in our Programs?
- 1. .We help you identify and eliminate foods that are causing inflammation, allergies, and sensitivities. We also help you add easy-to-incorporate healthy, anti-inflammatory food choices
- 2.The most important energy-producing units are “the cells and mitochondria. We support your cells with ample nutrients needed for optimal functionality of energy production
- 3. While we help you identify foods that work best for you, we also support your digestion and absorption to ensure you effectively assimilate and metabolize your food. Even the best diet could go to waste if not utilized by the body.
- 4. Leaky gut and depleted mucosal barrier is one of the root causes of inflammation & autoimmune disorders. We help you restore the gut lining and rebuild the protective mucosal lining.
- 5. We help you detect and clear Infections like H. Pylori, Candida, and parasitic infestation. Thus relieving acidity, GERD ulcers, and gastritis. Fungus infections that may result in hives, eczema, psoriasis, repeated urinary infections, and Hidden parasite infestations may lead to bloody Diarrhoea, anal itching, mood and sleep disorders, and malnourishment.
- 6. We help you create a vast, diverse, and robust symbiotic microbiome through targeted probiotics and prebiotics by naturally fermented foods and targeted supplementation. The more diverse the microbiome, the better the health of your digestive system, immune system and the nervous system.
- 7. We help you identify toxins and chemicals hidden in your food and environment. We help you release stored toxins, chelation of heavy metals and their elimination in safe manner.
- 8. “Wellness is not a ‘medical fix’ but a way of living - your lifestyle matters”. We help you restore various circadian rhythms connected to eating patterns, sleep, and wake cycles, sunlight exposure, heat and cold challenges, body movement, and exercise regime.
- 9. Stress severely affects digestion, immune system & brain function. Your gut and nervous system are intertwined. Stress through Gut-brain communication causes changes in gut bacteria, low-grade inflammation, and G.I.distress manifesting as IBS.
Similarly, dysbiosis in the gut results in mood swings, anxiety, depression, and behavioral changes. A leaky gut may lead to a leaky brain causing all sorts of mental dysfunctions. Two-thirds of people with autism experience digestive issues. 70 to 90 % of people with irritable bowel syndrome experience migraine and fibromyalgia, mood or anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, major depression, and panic attacks.We help calm down your mind and agitated sympathetic nervous system through vagus nerve stimulation and using mind-body therapies like meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques, counselling, and hypnotherapy
What happens in the gut does not stay in the gut but affects the entire body.
Depression, anxiety, acne, hives and psoriasis, infertility, erectile dysfunction, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, hormonal imbalances, and cancer that torture us and shorten our lives, all are rooted in what happens or doesn’t happen in the gut. And it all is rooted in your diet, lifestyle, toxin exposure, sleep, stress, and activity levels.
When you work with us, we focus on empowering you to understand your body in-depth and how your food and lifestyle communicate with your body. You can use the knowledge and the process to not only control diseases but put them into remission and even reverse them.
Once on the program, we work with you very closely. We remain connected with you through time-based scheduled video sessions, and through WhatsApp to provide consistent support and readily clear whatever doubts or queries you may have from time to time.
Since every individual is unique so are their biochemistry, genetics, nutrient requirements, disease conditions, and manifestation of symptoms.
Our work revolves around bio-individuality. This means We do not follow a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. We personalise everything for you keeping in mind your lifestyle, your genetic makeup, your health history, and your food, cultural preferences, and your immediate social and emotional environment.
If you want to learn more and get educated on how gut health is linked to everything, follow Ashok.K
How the program works:
Duration of the program - The gut health and cleanse program has a duration of three months. It entails seven to eight video sessions of 30 to 40 minutes each. All sessions are scheduled in the beginning of the program with the client's consent. The rest of the time, we remain connected through WhatsApp.
The gut health and cleanse program is also available with or without 8 sessions of 35 to 40 minutes each for stress and anxiety relief. It's of utmost importance to stimulate the vagus nerve and to calm down the fight or flight mode. People who have had a troubled childhood, sexual abuse or other emotional traumas, and relationship issues are more susceptible to developing irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders like diabetes, B.P., thyroid, PCOS, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. The modalities we imply are meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques, counselling, visualisation, and clinical hypnotherapy.
What do we use for healing?
We help you reverse your disease conditions by making easy changes in your diet and lifestyle - all things 100% natural! Things that your body can recognize and absorb, things that don’t trigger your immune system.
All disease in the body happens because of functional imbalances due to nutritional deficiencies, not because the body lacks chemicals or drugs.
We encourage and educate you to obtain essential nutrients through your food however we incorporate safe, time-tested supplements if your biochemistry needs it urgently. There are a few vitamins and essential fats that are naturally deficient in people following vegetarian or vegan diets.
Since each person has different dietary needs and have different functional imbalances, diet has to be person specific. The diet also depends on a person's micronutrient deficiencies.
We help you create your diet as per your body needs. Wherever elimination of certain food is warranted, we provide you with easy options. Multiple choices based on easy, sustainable foods that you have grown up eating, and things that you already cook at home.
We endeavor to ensure you tread your health journey with us joyfully. Savouring and digesting your food well without feeling deprived, without taking away your joy!
Our goal for you is to thrive, be vibrant, and be brimming with joy and energy
Medical conditions we support:
- Digestive issues like hyperacidity, GERD, bloating, nausea, burping, and feeling of fullness or heaviness after meals. indigestion, poor absorption of nutrients, anemia, malnourishment, Esophagitis, and ulcers. Chronic Headaches and Migraines.
- Skin conditions like acne vulgaris, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, hives, rashes and itching, excessive dandruff, and itchy flaky scalp.
- Unexplainable conditions where you are told it is all in your head like foggy thinking, lack of focusing, short-term memory loss, anxiety, depression, low energy, fatigue, numbness in hands and feet, unexplained weight gain or weight loss, poor sleep, thinning or falling hair, vague body and joint pains.
- Leaky gut aka compromised intestinal permeability, food allergies, and sensitivities, Crohn’s, Colitis, Inflammation in the colon chronic IBS (constipation and diarrhoea), piles, haemorrhoids.
- Metabolic dysfunctions like Diabetes, Insulin resistance, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypertension, fatty liver, and bile congestion, etc.
- Autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Vitiligo, Alopecia, Sjogren’s, Celiac, Fibromyalgia etc.
- Thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Hypo and Hyperthyroidism.
- E.N.T. and respiratory disorders like Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinus, excessive mucus formation, drippy nose, choking, or feeling of a lump in the throat.
- Hormonal issues like PCOD, painful periods, heavy bleeding during periods, no periods, missing periods, irregular period cycles, fibroids, cysts, perimenopause, and menopause issues. Male and female infertility, low libido, etc./li>
- Stress, anxiety and depression, low moods, negative thoughts, low esteem, anger and irritability, brain fog, Panic attacks, relationship issues, adverse childhood experiences, emotional traumas, Autism, ADHD, etc.
Thanks for visiting, hoping to meet you soon on your health journey.