Heal Thy Mind
(Mental Health & Stress Relief)Poor or lack of sleep
Groggy or always tired feeling
Dependency on caffeine to keep going
Dependency on alcohol for calming effects
Mood swings and low energy levels
Poor memory
Brain-fog & inability to focus and be attentive
Addictions or eating disorders
Anger issues
Behavioural problems
How are we to understand that in today's modern world, at the Pinnacle of medical ingenuity and sophistication, we are seeing more and more mental illnesses, afflictions and addictions. These mental afflictions are to a large extent a function and a consequence of our living conditions and environment. Today we are living in a social culture which is hostile & toxic. Toxic - because of the immense pressure it builds on our minds, the stress & anxiety it causes - intense competition, consumerism, spread of negativity, distrust, polarization, all have necessarily become new norm and is pervading every aspect of our life. I see it as the most important and consequential health concern of our time given by the effects of burgeoning chronic stress that is undermining our emotional wellbeing in the most serious ways.
Today, we find that mental health issues like Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disease, Alzheimer’s, Brain fog, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Memory loss, ADD, ADHD, Parkinson's, OCD etc have become the new normal. But is it really the normal way of life? The answer is a big ‘NO’.
We can learn to live free of stress & anxiety. We can cultivate, nurture and develop the art – the art of being peaceful and equanimous even in the presence of provocations, challenges and stirred up emotions. It is possible to rewire your brain through neurogenesis & neuroplasticity, substituting your subconscious programming, substituting negative, self-sabotaging & self-limiting beliefs & perceptions with positive, forward-looking programs. It's possible to correct chemical imbalances and neural pathways in the brain by the right nutrition, lifestyle strategies, mindfulness, meditation, hypnosis and guided imagery.
Moreover, a good mental health diet is crucial for anybody dealing with these disorders to reverse chronic signs and symptoms. Correct mental health diet not only helps fuel the brain and make you feel better but is also important for the functioning of most systems of the body.
Brain disorders do not always show up as chronic depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, or ADD but mostly they start as less than optimally working brains and show up like:
- Poor or lack of sleep
- Groggy or always tired feeling
- Lack of attention & concentration spans
- Dependency on caffeine to keep going
- Dependency on alcohol for calming effects
- Mood swings and low energy levels
- Incessant mental chatter
- Poor memory
- Brain-fog & inability to comprehend & be focussed
- Addictions or eating disorders like bulimia or binge eating
- Anger & irritability issues
- Behavioural problems
- Anxiety
If you have any of the above symptoms, you need help to restore your brain health. The brain is the most powerful and crucial organ of the human body as it governs almost all critical functions of our body.
The conventional healthcare just uses medications like antidepressants, stimulants, antipsychotics, and memory medications to treat brain disorders. These medications cause a lot of side effects - sexual dysfunction, fatigue, insomnia, loss of mental abilities, nausea, and weight gain. But do we really need these medications? The real question to ask is ‘what caused those chemicals to be out of balance’ and how can we reverse them to their natural state of balance?
Brain health depends on everything that we eat, feel and think. By introducing correct diet & nutrition, exercise, sleep, removal of environmental toxins, stressors of daily life, meditation & breathing techniques, we can influence our microbiome and in turn our brain health.

Program includes:
- An intense 5 week group mental health program, Includes 15 sessions -12 sessions of breath work, guided meditation, visualization, chakra balancing and holographic healing and 3 sessions of clinical hypnotherapy to release suppressed emotions and traumas. Duration of each session is 30 to 40 minutes and is held three times a week on alternate days.
- The sessions will help you calm down the non-stop chattering of the mind, reduce stress, anxiety & depression and manage panic attacks.
- You will learn techniques to calm down your sympathetic nervous system, reduce stress hormones (like cortisol) and bring your body out of fight, flight or freeze mode.
- You will learn techniques to activate vagus nerve & stimulate parasympathetic nervous system, and to take your body into rest, digest and grow mode.
- You will learn to stay grounded in the present moment, feel more alert, awake, and have clarity of thoughts and vision. You will feel focused, better concentrated, and capable to make better decisions in professional and personal life.
- You will sleep better and wake up feeling fresh and energised.
- You will learn to control unhealthy addictions like smoking, bulimia and binge eating.
Who should sign up for the Mental Health & Stress Relief program?
- If you are suffering from stress and anxiety and often feel depressed or withdrawn.
- If you suffer from childhood traumas & neglects that are impacting your personal life.
- If you suffer from incessant mind chatter that never stops speaking in your head.
- If all you think about yourself is negative and self-blaming or condemning.
- If you suffer from low esteem and lack of confidence specially in public gatherings.
- If you suffer from sleep disorders like sleep apnoea, difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep.
- If you are having trouble with procrastination.
- If you have addictions like smoking, drinking, and binge or comfort eating.
Different modalities and techniques we use are:
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Subconscious programming governs 95% of your life, Hypnosis magically changes self-sabotaging, negative beliefs & perceptions.Holographic Repatterning
Raising your body’s specific vibrational frequency. Negative thoughts often lower it, resulting in sub-optimal functioning of organs & systems.Energy
Effectively and quickly relieves chronic pains & emotional traumas using affirmations and tapping at meridians and energy channels.Visualization Techniques
Help achieve life goals by intentionally bringing events, people, and objects into consciousness with intense focus, turning dreams into real-life outcomes.Sessions conducted by Ashok. K
- An authentic stress & anxiety busting meditation experience through tools of modern-day psychology and ancient scripture backed techniques.
- All course sessions are conducted by Ashok. K through live interactive sessions. They are scientifically sequenced and structured to maximise the benefits of breath-work, guided meditation, hypnosis and healing modalities to help you calm down, learn and progress smoothly.
- * LIVE Sessions on Zoom or Google by Ashok. K who has decades of rich meditation experience.
- * Community Support, meditate in LIVE sessions with small batches like-minded people like you. (Maximum group strength – up to 10 Pax max.)
The expected benefits include:
- A calm, peaceful mind, relief from endless incessant chattering.
- No more mood swings and robust energy levels.
- Balanced hormonal & endocrinal functioning.
- Better focussing, increased concentration spans, thought clarity.
- Relief from depression, anxiety & panic attacks.
- Higher self-esteem & self confidence.
- Ability to enjoy social gatherings & mixing with people.
- Relief from OCD, addictions, bulimia or binge eating.
- Improved sleep cycle & freshness upon waking.
- Change in behaviour patterns such as anger & irritability.
- Ability to observe equanimity in the face of provocations.
- Improved business & personal relationships.
- Spiritual healing & upliftment.